Code for Change birgunj | 23.2

We are Team "Aspire," a name derived from the word "aspire," meaning to have a strong desire or ambition to achieve something. Our team embodies a mission of aspiration and collaboration, striving to push boundaries and turn ambitious visions into tangible realities. As "Aspire," we bring together a diverse range of talents in a harmonious blend of creativity and innovation, redefining what is possible. Each member contributes to pioneering solutions, leaving a lasting impact on the landscape of innovation. With this name, we embark on a transformative journey where ambition and collaboration propel us towards unprecedented success.


CFC Birgunj Advisor

CFC Birgunj Executive | Tenure 23.24

CFC Birgunj College Representatives | Tenure 23.24

CFC Birgunj Members | Tenure 23.24